BIAN is currently using the BizzDesign Enterprise Studio product for modeling. As Modeling languages both Archimate and UML are used. 

UML is used for the Business Object Model, the Control Records (class diagrams) and The Scenarios (sequence diagrams)

The Archimate Models are available to all BIAN members.

As BizzDesign Enterprise Studio has no support for XMI import ot export, these UML models are not available out of BizzDesign Enterprise Studio.

However, a generic XMI export has been created. This generic XMI (the model, no diagram) is available for free for the BIAN members.

A native version of the Class Diagrams to be used by Sparx Enterprise Architect or IBM Rational Software Architect or Vusual Paradigm and other tools are made available and can be bought from Envizion or BIAN Services.